We Give Your Voice Power on Capitol Hill

Your Elected Officials

Find out who your elected officials are and how to contact them.

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See what members of Congress and other responsible Americans say about our organization.

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What You Should Know

Get expert opinions and research from both sides on issues you care about the most.

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Your Elected Officials Need To Hear From You

And Here is Why …

Unlike the tens of thousands of lobbyists and special interest groups that vie for the attention of our elected officials, National Write Your Congressman stands alone, unbiased and non-partisan. A true reflection of the nation’s diversity, it is a harbinger of constituent opinion – which is a more powerful influence on Congress than any other source. That is why it is so important for you to add your voice to the voice of the American people.

Your Elected Officials:

Testimonials from Capitol Hill & Responsible Americans

Rep. Sam Johnson

[National Write Your Congressman] is unique because it's not a lobbying organization and does not show partiality toward candidates running for office. - The Congressional Record

Rep. Sam Johnson
Republican, TX
Christian W.

NWYC has opened my eyes to the possibilities of the future, and that if we want change, we must share our vision. NWYC has shown me my responsibility to my country and my fellow man. It eliminates me wasting time, searching for information, and allows me to get involved right away.

Christian W.
Rep. Lois Capps

It is extremely important for Members of Congress to have a good understanding of the will of the people. Organizations like National Write Your Congressman are vital to establishing this understanding.

Rep. Lois Capps
Democrat, CA
Sandy D.

If you are concerned about what is happening in government, NWYC is an excellent venue to share your views with the people that matter.

Sandy D.
North Carolina
Christine C.

The organization informs me with the facts and provides an expedient venue to share my opinions with our elected officials.

Christine C.
Tim M.

Allowing me to provide elected officials with feedback from people who actually run businesses. With NWYC I can do that with a minimum amount of distraction from running our business.

Tim M.

What You Should Know

Choose an Issue

Be Informed

Write Congress

Your easy-to-use Constituent Opinion Ballot is a quick way to let your representative and your senators know how you feel they should vote on the most vital legislation in Congress. With NWYC at your fingertips, you will have all the contact information you need to express your opinion to them about any issue you choose.

1. Choose an Issue

There are no right or wrong issues. Pick one you feel strongly towards and want to learn more about.

Labor / Jobs / Pensions
Labor / Jobs / Pensions
Civil Rights
Civil Rights
Government Operations / Government Reform
Government Operations / Government Reform

2. Be Informed

Here's what Congress is saying about your issue:

3. Write Congress

Take Action:

In the text boxes below, type your thoughts, concerns and how you stand on the issue to your elected officials. Click on talking points to insert some helpful text.

National Write Your Congressman
2435 N. Central Expressway, Ste. 300
Richardson, Texas 75080
Phone: (214) 342-0299
Copyright © 2025 National Write Your Congressman