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Mental Health Gun Ban

The House passed H.J.Res.40 (235-180), which provides for congressional disapproval of the rule submitted by the Social Security Administration relating to Implementation of the NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007. Under the proposed rule, The SSA would identify individuals who receive Disability Insurance benefits due to a mental health disability. They would then report those individuals to the FBI’s NICS database which is used to determine the individual’s eligibility when purchasing a firearm.

Those Against the Ban

Those against argue there are plenty of people who are incapable of managing their own funds but are not dangerous, violent, or unsafe. They point out this Rule would take away their Second Amendment right without in anyway proving they are mentally ill. Opponents say using whether beneficiaries can handle their own finances or not as a way to keep law abiding Americans from owning guns is just another way for the Obama Administration to attack the Second Amendment. 

Those in Favor of the Ban

Those in favor argue if a person lacks the mental capacity to manage their own affairs and receives federal money because of a mental health issue they shouldn’t be allowed to own a gun. They say this is one more step in ensuring that guns stay out of the hands of those who have no business owning them. They also point out some of the worst mass shooting over the last couple of years were due to agencies not being required to report mental health statuses. Supporters say there is a way for people to appeal to the agency if they feel they were placed on the list by mistake.

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