Oct 09, 2024

Majority of Small Business Owners Say U.S. Economic Environment is Harming Their Business
DALLAS – October 9, 2024 – National Write Your Congressman (NWYC), an organization that gives small businesses a voice in government, released its Q32024 Index measuring Congressional and business sentiment. The Index found an increase in business owners’ trust, satisfaction, and hope in Congress from Q2 2024, but more than 85 percent of business owners say the U.S. economic environment is harming their business. Sixty-seven percent of business owners are concerned and fearful the U.S. economy is moving in the wrong direction.
Jul 23, 2024

Majority of Small Business Owners Fearful the U.S. Economy is Moving in the Wrong Direction
DALLAS – JULY 23, 2024 – National Write Your Congressman (NWYC), an organization that gives small businesses a voice in government, released its Q2 2024 Index measuring Congressional and business sentiment. The Index found business owners’ trust, satisfaction, and hope in Congress at its highest level since 2020, but more than 67 percent of business owners are concerned and fearful the U.S. economy is moving in the wrong direction.
Mar 19, 2024

National Write Your Congressman Index Reveals Top Small Business, Legislative Concerns as 2024 Election Approaches
MARCH 20, 2024 – DALLAS – National Write Your Congressman (NWYC), an organization that gives small businesses a voice in government, released its Q1 2024 Index measuring Congressional and business sentiment. The Index found inflation, immigration, taxes, and the U.S. economy as top concerns for business owners this election year.
Nov 13, 2023

National Write Your Congressman Index Reveals Top Small Business Concerns and Dwindling Confidence in Government Trust, Satisfaction, Hope
November 14, 2023 – DALLAS – National Write Your Congressman (NWYC), an organization that gives small businesses a voice in government, released its Q3 2023 Index measuring Congressional and business sentiment.
Jul 25, 2023

National Write Your Congressman Index Reveals Business Owners Express Concerns About U.S. Economic Conditions, Hiring Challenges and Rising Interest Rates
DALLAS – July 25, 2023 – National Write Your Congressman (NWYC), an organization that gives small businesses a voice in government, released its Q2 2023 Index measuring Congressional and business sentiment. The survey found business owners concerned about hiring qualified workers, keeping up with rising costs of employees’ pay and salary, inflation, taxes and regulations. Seventy-five percent of business owners said their business was not growing or has remained flat. The survey found an overall decrease from last quarter in small business owners’ hope, satisfaction with government action, and trust with of Members of Congress.
Apr 05, 2023

Small Business Owners Hopeful in Economy, But See Inflation as a Problem Over Next Two to Five Years
DALLAS – April 5, 2023 – National Write Your Congressman (NWYC), an organization that gives small businesses a voice in government, released its Q1 2023 Index which found an overall increase from last quarter in small business owners’ hope, satisfaction with government action, and trust with of Members of Congress.
Oct 26, 2022

Small Business Owners in Battleground States Identify Economy as Key Issue Ahead of Midterms
DALLAS – October 26, 2022 – National Write Your Congressman (NWYC), an organization that gives small businesses a voice in government, released its latest Quarterly Index which found 80 percent of small business owners citing they will vote for candidates in the midterm elections who propose policies that will improve the U.S. economy and thus, their own business, and who support policies with fewer regulations. This includes small business members from the battleground states of Georgia, Ohio, Nevada and Pennsylvania
Jun 30, 2022

Survey Finds Inflation and Supply Chain Issues Disrupting All Aspects of Small Business
DALLAS – June 30, 2022 – National Write Your Congressman (NWYC), an organization that gives small businesses a voice in government, released its latest Quarterly Index which found 90 percent of business owners citing a disruption of services, operations or manufacturing due to problems with the supply chain. Half of business owners see supply chain problems easing in more than one year, and 31 percent believe problems will not ease for another two to five years.
Mar 18, 2022

Two Years Into The Pandemic, National Write Your Congressman Finds High Inflation and Supply Chain Issues Permeating Small Business, Disrupting Services and Growth
DALLAS – March 21, 2022 – National Write Your Congressman (NWYC), an organization that gives small businesses a voice in government, released its latest Quarterly Index which found 88 percent of business owners citing a disruption of services due to problems with the supply chain, and high inflation affecting 98 percent of business costs and pricing for products and services.
Nov 22, 2021

National Write Your Congressman Finds Half of Small Business Owners Benefitting from Federal Infrastructure Bill, Supply Chain Largest Concern
DALLAS – November 22, 2021 – National Write Your Congressman (NWYC), an organization that gives small businesses a voice in government, released its Q3 2021 Quarterly Index which found half of small business owners benefitting from the federal infrastructure bill. NWYC also found just a quarter of small businesses planning to grow their business this year, a decrease of almost 50 percent from last quarter. Eighty-five percent of small business owners are having issues with the supply chain.
Aug 05, 2021

National Write Your Congressman Finds Small Business Owners Top Concern for Remainder of 2021 is Hiring Qualified Workers
DALLAS – August 5, 2021 – National Write Your Congressman (NWYC), an organization that gives small businesses a voice in government, released its Q2 2021 Quarterly Index which found 40 percent of business owners planning to grow their business this year. Of those that plan to grow their business, 82 percent say hiring qualified workers is the biggest hindrance to their plans.
May 19, 2021

National Write Your Congressman Finds Small Business Owners Planning to Grow Their Business In 2021, Investment In Technology Critical To Success
DALLAS – May 19, 2021 – National Write Your Congressman (NWYC), an organization that gives small businesses a voice in American government, released its Q1 2021 Quarterly Index which found 38 percent of business owners plan to grow their business this year, a 100 percent increase since last quarter.
Jan 29, 2021

National Write Your Congressman Finds Small Business Owners Increasingly Uncertain About their Business’ Future
DALLAS – January 29, 2021 – National Write Your Congressman (NWYC), an organization that gives small businesses a voice in American government, released its Q4 2020 Quarterly Index finding 35 percent of business owners uncertain about the future of their business, an increase of 52 percent from last quarter. In Q3 2020, 23 percent of business owners were uncertain about the future. Business owners cite taxes (30 percent), COVID-19’s effect on their business (22 percent), business regulations (20 percent) and hiring qualified workers (14 percent) as their top concerns for the first quarter.
Sep 17, 2020

National Write Your Congressman Finds Small Businesses Owners Hopeful for the Future
DALLAS – September 17, 2020 – National Write Your Congressman (NWYC), an organization that gives small businesses a voice in American government, released its Q3 2020 Quarterly Index which found an increase in hope, satisfaction and trust in U.S. Members of Congress.
Jul 13, 2020

National Write Your Congressman Finds Small Businesses Dissatisfied with Congress, Less Hopeful for the Future
DALLAS – July 13, 2020 – National Write Your Congressman (NWYC), an organization that gives small businesses a voice in American government, released its Q2 2020 Quarterly Index which found hope, satisfaction and trust in U.S. Members of Congress declined since the beginning of the year amidst economic and coronavirus concerns, and civil unrest.
Jan 06, 2020

National Write Your Congressman Quarterly Index Finds Small Business Owners Concerned About Finding Qualified Employees
National Write Your Congressman (NWYC), an organization that gives small businesses a voice in American government, finds in its Q4 2019 Quarterly Index that small business owners are most concerned with hiring qualified workers along with taxes, health insurance expenses and regulations. This worry could stem from their business growth or lack there of where qualified workers play a key role. When asked about how their businesses have grown in 2019, 40 percent report that they saw growth in business, which they attributed to hiring more employees (61 percent), taxes decreasing (41 percent) and implementing a cost savings technology (30 percent). Eighteen percent of business owners saw a decline in business, which they attributed to competition in the industry (31 percent), inability to find qualified workers (25 percent), and trade agreements and tariffs (23 percent).
Oct 03, 2019

National Write Your Congressman Quarterly Index Finds Small Business Owners’ Optimism, Satisfaction and Confidence in Congress Increases
DALLAS – October 3, 2019 – National Write Your Congressman (NWYC), an organization that gives small businesses a voice in American government, finds in its Q3 2019 Quarterly Index trust, hope and satisfaction in U.S. Congress has increased since last quarter from approximately four percent to almost six percent.
Jun 27, 2019

National Write Your Congressman Quarterly Index Finds Small Business Owners’ Optimism, Satisfaction and Confidence in Congress Increases
DALLAS – June 25, 2019 – National Write Your Congressman (NWYC), an organization that gives small businesses a voice in American government, finds in its Q2 2019 Quarterly Index trust, hope and satisfaction in U.S. Congress has increased since last quarter, and has more than doubled since the 2016 election.
Mar 28, 2019

National Write Your Congressman Quarterly Index Finds Small Business Owners’ Satisfaction in Congress at Lowest Level Since 2016 Election
DALLAS – March 28, 2019 – National Write Your Congressman (NWYC), an organization that gives small businesses a voice in American government, finds in its Q1 2019 Quarterly Index trust, hope and satisfaction in U.S. Congress has decreased to its lowest levels since the 2016 election.
Nov 15, 2018

National Write Your Congressman Quarterly Index Finds Small Business Owners’ Satisfaction in Congress at Highest Levels Since Before 2016 Election
DALLAS – November 15, 2018 – National Write Your Congressman (NWYC), an organization that gives small businesses a voice in American government, finds in its Q4 2018 Quarterly Index trust, hope and satisfaction in U.S. Congress has more than doubled since before the 2016 election.
Jul 11, 2018

National Write Your Congressman Quarterly Index Finds Small Business Owners’ Trust in their Own Members of Congress Up from Last Quarter, Healthcare as Top Business Concern
DALLAS – July 11, 2018 – National Write Your Congressman (NWYC), an organization that gives small businesses a voice in American government, finds in its Q3 2018 Quarterly Index trust in business owners’ own elected members of Congress has increased from last quarter. Additionally, hope in U.S. Congress as a whole increased significantly – up from 26 percent in the second quarter of 2018 to 35 percent in the third quarter of 2018.
Apr 12, 2018

NWYC Quarterly Index Finds Small Business Owners Cite Economic Growth, Job Creation As Top Issue To Influence Mid-term Election Vote
DALLAS – April 11, 2018 – National Write Your Congressman (NWYC), an organization that gives small businesses a voice in American government, finds in its Q2 2018 Quarterly Index small business owners list economic growth and job creation as the number one issue that will influence their vote in the mid-term elections and hiring qualified workers as their top business concern. The Index also showed small business owners plan to pay down debt and invest back into their business following the new tax law.
Jan 29, 2018

NWYC Index Finds Small Business Owners Satisfaction with Congressional Action Doubles Following Tax Reform
DALLAS – January 29, 2018 – National Write Your Congressman (NWYC), an organization that gives small businesses a voice in American government, finds in its Q4 2017 Quarterly Index small business owners’ satisfaction in Congress doubled following the passage of the new tax law.
Oct 30, 2017

National Write Your Congressman Poll Finds Small Business Owners Crave Action from Congress
Dallas – November 7, 2017 – National Write Your Congressman (NWYC), an organization that gives small businesses a voice in American government, finds in its Q3 2017 Quarterly Index small business owners are ready for Congress to take action to fulfill promises made to them and to pass legislation to support small business growth.
Jul 07, 2017

National Write Your Congressman Index Shows Small Business Ready for Congress to Get to Work
Dallas – July 11, 2017 – National Write Your Congressman (NWYC), an organization that gives small businesses a voice in American government and provides over two million member opinions to Congress each year, finds 97 percent of small business owners are ready for Congress to get to work to improve the economy.
Apr 27, 2017

National Write Your Congressman Index Shows Small Business Owners Satisfied with Trump’s 100 Days Agenda, Dissatisfied with Congress
Click "Read More" to view the full report
Jan 20, 2017

National Write Your Congressman Index Finds Small Business Owners Optimistic About President Trump’s First 100 Days Agenda
National Write Your Congressman (NWYC) finds small business owners voicing high levels of optimism for the incoming administration’s plans for the U.S. economy and their own business prospects in its Q4 2016 Index. NWYC, an organization that gives small businesses a voice in American government, issued its Quarterly Index measuring small business owners and operators’ sentiment towards Congress and their confidence in the U.S. government.
Nov 08, 2016
National Write Your Congressman Inaugural Index Shows Small Business Community’s Dissatisfaction with Government
National Write Your Congressman Inaugural Index Shows Small Business
Community’s Dissatisfaction with Government