Action Alert

V369 - Issues Before Congress

1) Immigration: Should Congress pass a bill to resume construction of the southern border wall to slow the influx of drugs and illegal immigrants coming into the country?

2) Gun Control: In light of recent mass shootings, should Congress ban so-called “assault-style” weapons? 

3) Taxes: Should the 2017 tax cuts, passed during the Trump administration and set to expire in 2025, be made permanent? 

4) Energy: Should Congress pass a bill to restart oil pipelines and increase drilling to make America more energy independent? 

5) Minimum Wage: Should Congress raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour and then index it to inflation? 

6) Term Limits: Do you agree with a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress?

Write your elected officials

In the text boxes below, type your thoughts, concerns and how you stand on the issue to your elected officials. You may click on the arrows to insert some helpful text.

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I think Congress should pass a bill to resume construction of the southern border wall to slow the influx of drugs and illegal immigrants coming into the country.
I do not think Congress should pass a bill to resume construction of the southern border wall.
I think Congress should pass a ban on "assault style" weapons.
I do not think Congress should pass a ban on so called "assault style" weapons.
I think the 2017 Tax Cuts, passed during the Trump Administration and set to expire in 2025, should be made permanent
I do not think the 2017 Tax Cuts, passed during the Trump Administration and set to expire in 2025, should be made permanent
I think Congress should pass a bill to restart oil pipelines and increase drilling to make America more energy independent.
I'm opposed to Congress allowing oil pipelines to reopen and increase drilling in the U.S.
I think Congress should raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour and index it to inflation thereafter.
I do not think Congress should raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour and index it to inflation thereafter.
I agree with a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress.
I do not agree with a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress.
As a business owner, this legislation will affect me in the following ways.
As a concerned citizen, this legislation will affect me in the following ways.
I also think
As a constituent of yours, I would like to know your thoughts on these issues.
As a constituent of yours, I would like to know your thoughts on this issue.

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National Write Your Congressman
2435 N. Central Expressway, Ste. 300
Richardson, Texas 75080
Phone: (214) 342-0299
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