Border Security

Published Tuesday, January 9, 2024

WASHINGTON — In light of record high illegal immigration numbers, U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, is continuing to champion 10 pieces of legislation aimed at securing our southern border, stopping the illicit and deadly trafficking of fentanyl and restoring law and order.

“Securing our southern border should not hinge on a Democrat wish-list of overseas spending,” said Senator Scott. “With over 300,000 illegal border crossings – twice the population of Charleston, South Carolina – in the month of December alone, it’s critical we end this crisis now. Border security is national security, and that is something I’ve long fought for. I urge my colleagues in Congress and the President to support commonsense Republican legislation to keep our communities safe from terrorism and illicit human and drug trafficking.” 

In 2024, Senator Scott will continue championing legislation to tackle illegal immigration, stop fentanyl from pouring over our southern border and combat human trafficking.In an effort to secure the southern border, Senator Scott introduced the Alan T. Shao II Fentanyl Public Health Emergency and Overdose Prevention Act and Secure the Border Act of 2023, and supported the Back the Blue Act of 2023, Felony Murder for Deadly Fentanyl Distribution Act of 2023, Combatting Violent and Dangerous Crime Act, Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities ActKeep Our Border Agents Paid ActSecuring Our Border Act and Stop Fentanyl Border Crossings Act.

To combat the rising fentanyl crisis in America, Senator Scott, in his capacity as Ranking Member of the Senate Banking Committee, wrote and introduced the FEND Off Fentanyl Act. This bill targets every part of the illicit fentanyl supply chain – from the chemical suppliers in China to the manufacturers in Mexico and the cartels who smuggle the deadly drug across our border – and aims to choke off the income source of synthetic opioid traffickers and stop the flow of deadly fentanyl into the United States. The FEND Off Fentanyl Act was unanimously voted out of the Senate Banking Committee and earned 66 Senate cosponsors. It was included in the Senate’s version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). 

(Sen. Scott (R-SC) Press Release)

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