Hold the UN Accountable for their Systemic Failures

Published Friday, June 21, 2024


On June 6, 2024, the United Nations (UN) selected the Maduro narco-regime’s appointed UN Ambassador as one of the UN General Assembly Vice Presidents. Once again, the UN has sabotaged its credibility as the organization continues to grant authority to terrorists and authoritarian regimes.

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) sent a letter to President Joe Biden urging him to protect U.S. taxpayer dollars from endorsing these decisions and to hold the UN accountable for their systemic failures. 

“I write to express profound outrage regarding the recent actions of the United Nations (UN) that support and promote the interests of authoritarians, terrorists, and their sympathizers through U.S. taxpayer funds. I believe these actions are grossly irresponsible and counterproductive to the interests of global peace, security, and democracy.”

The full text of the letter is below. 

Dear Mr. President:

I write to express profound outrage regarding the recent actions of the United Nations (UN) that support and promote the interests of authoritarians, terrorists, and their sympathizers through U.S. taxpayer funds. I believe these actions are grossly irresponsible and counterproductive to the interests of global peace, security, and democracy.

The recent appointment of the authoritarian Venezuelan Ambassador, Samuel Moncada, as one of the Vice Presidents of the UN General Assembly is a glaring example of the UN’s disregard for democratic values and human rights. The inclusion of countries with dubious records on terrorism and human rights in the UN Security Council and the UN Human Rights Council further erodes the credibility of these institutions. The creation of a UN ‘Special Rapporteur on the Negative Impact of Coercive Measures’ and the subsequent appointment of Belarusian Alena Douhan to the position are absurd. In a recent press conference following a visit to China, Douhan called for the suspension of “all unilateral sanctions applied to China, Chinese nationals, and companies without authorization of the UN Security Council.” In the same press conference, Douhan had the audacity to claim that U.S. sanctions harmed Chinese people’s rights to work and to get an education, regardless of how our sanctions help protect Uyghurs from Chinese Communist Party (CCP) forced labor. Clearly, these moves are designed to serve as anti-U.S. guardrails and propaganda reference points for the CCP and Russian dictator Vladimir Putin’s authoritarian agendas. These actions are antithetical to the principles upon which the UN was founded and compromise its ability to uphold international peace and security.

These actions follow documentation that resources and personnel from the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) were utilized by Hamas in the preparation and execution of the heinous terrorist attack on Israel on October 7, 2023. This attack resulted in the tragic loss of innocent lives and underscored the persistent threat posed by terrorist organizations that seek to undermine peace and stability in the region.

Furthermore, it is deeply troubling that the UN has adopted resolutions that not only condemn Israel’s right to defend itself, but reward Hamas by encouraging the recognition of a “Palestinian State.” Such actions blatantly disregard the legitimate right of a sovereign nation to protect its citizens and borders from terrorist threats. This stance by the UN not only undermines Israel’s security but also emboldens terrorist groups, including Hamas, which continue to perpetrate violence and instability.

Given these alarming developments, I strongly urge a complete re-evaluation of U.S. funding to the UN. American taxpayer dollars account for more than $18 billion per year to the UN, equaling one-third of its total budget. This significant investment must align with American values of freedom and democracy and the original UN Charter’s mandate to maintain international peace and security. To empower terrorists and authoritarians is antithetical to these values and objectives.

I respectfully call on you to take decisive action to ensure that U.S. funding to the UN is contingent upon its adherence to these core principles. The way to maintain international peace and security is not by supporting entities that threaten these very ideals, but by holding the UN accountable to its founding mission. 

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I look forward to your prompt and decisive response. 


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