The First 100 Days
The First 100 Days

The First 100 Days

Published Monday, May 1, 2017

Press Release:

May 1, 2017


"The first 100 days of this presidency, I believe, have made one thing clear – when it comes to policymaking, this Administration puts special interests over working families. As I continue my fight to defend affordable healthcare, accountable government, and the interests of Alabama families, here’s a quick update on my work for Alabama’s 7th Congressional District.

Protecting Our Care
"Last month, Congress came within inches of passing a healthcare repeal bill, that, according to the Congressional Budget Office, would have eliminated healthcare coverage for 24 million Americans. Now President Trump is negotiating with Republican leaders to bring their healthcare repeal back for a vote.

This month’s proposal is even worse than the first and would gut protections for patients with pre-existing conditions. For over two million Alabamians living with a pre-existing condition, that could mean disaster. People with asthma, for example, would face a rise in cost of about $4,000 under the new proposal, according to the Center for American Progress. 

"Our access to care is a fundamental right, not a privilege. And as Congress continues to debate healthcare changes, I promise to act as a voice for legislation that strengthens access to affordable care, rather than eliminating care for those who need it most.

Fighting for Transparency 
"As a Member of the House Intelligence Committee, I have stood strong against attempts to shut down, cover up, and derail our investigation into Russia’s attack on our election. It’s a matter of national security, and I believe it’s our obligation to keep our investigation moving forward and transparent to the public. This past week, my committee announced that it plans to hold public hearings next month with officials who might have inside knowledge of Russia’s interference in our democracy."

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